Receive weekly 2-minute microlessons that reveal how to build a sales team who actually pick up the phone, stop wasting good leads, and meet (or even exceed) their targets - even when you’re not stood over their shoulder...


Receive weekly 2-minute microlessons that reveal how to build a sales team who actually pick up the phone, stop wasting good leads, and meet (or even exceed) their targets - even when you’re not stood over their shoulder...

  • Are responsible for selling but want to delegate this responsibility to focus on other things
  • Want to hire a new salesperson but feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start
  • ​Are frustrated that your sales team are performing below your level or wait for hot leads to come to them
  • Don’t know how to deal with the fact that your sales team’s performance dips when you’re not around
Then my weekly emails are what you've been looking for.
  • Are responsible for selling but want to delegate this responsibility to focus on other things
  • Want to hire a new salesperson but feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start
  • ​Are frustrated that your sales team are performing below your level or wait for hot leads to come to them
  • ​Don’t know how to deal with the fact that your sales team’s performance dips when you’re not around
Then my weekly emails are what you've been looking for.
Hi, my name's Jack Duggan, and I'm the Head of Sales for the Elite Closing Academy.

Over the past 5 or so years, I've gone from someone who couldn't sell an iPhone to Steve Jobs, to leading a 5-person strong team of salespeople and training over 2,000 business owners how to overcome their fear of selling, and make sales in a way that feels ethical, authentic, and delivers results.

In fact, business owners who attend our trainings see an average uplift of 64% in sales within 90 days.

Each week, I share a strategy or insight that'll help you and your sales team make more sales - without resorting to the 'slimy' or 'sleazy' tactics we all hate.

Best of all, they won't cost you a penny. Just hit the button below, pop in your details, and I'll start send them through.
Hi, my name's Jack Duggan, and I'm the Head of Sales for the Elite Closing Academy.
Over the past 5 or so years, I've gone from someone who couldn't sell an iPhone to Steve Jobs, to leading a 5-person strong team of salespeople and training over 2,000 business owners how to overcome their fear of selling, and make sales in a way that feels ethical, authentic, and delivers results.

In fact, business owners who attend our trainings see an average uplift of 64% in sales within 90 days.

Each week, I share a strategy or insight that'll help you and your sales team make more sales - without resorting to the 'slimy' or 'sleazy' tactics we all hate.

Best of all, they won't cost you a penny. Just hit the button below, pop in your details, and I'll start send them through.
"We've (Nearly) Tripled Our Sales"
"We started working with Jack and the team in May.

In the 6 months leading up to working with them, we did £472k in cash collected.

In the 6 months after, we've done £1.1million in cash collected."

Nearly triple!
- Ben Nichols
Founder, Dog Training College
"I'm now closing at 80%"
"Before joining the Elite Closing Academy in August 2021, my main downfall was that I was always attached to the outcome and how to get the deal. I was so focussed on trying to close prospects straight away, without doing any of the stuff that comes before that. Just 6 weeks after joining the ECA and implementing Matt’s pre-closing process, my conversion rate sky-rocketed from being pretty much non-existent to 80%”
- Deenita Pattni
Founder, The Linked Lab
"I've Already Closed 3 Deals worth £25,000"
"A week after joining the ECA and implementing the ECA Framework, I closed out 3 deals worth £25,000…and in the following two months, I tripled my sales. I’m now at the point where I either need to recruit or shut the door to new business…not a bad position to be in!”
- Jerome Lane
Director, Taxantics Ltd
"My Monthly Revenue has Increased 66%"
"After finally grasping the multiple sales scripts that Matt teaches, I’ve achieved a record month in terms of revenue, and I’ve managed to maintain this ever since. To be specific, before attending Matt’s training, I was generating around £12,000 a month. After attending, my monthly revenue jumped to £20,000”
- Mark Stimpson
Co-Founder, Strength Hub Oldham

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